Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Urination Smoke If A Diabetic Has High Blood Sugars Does It Make Him Urinate Out The THC Faster Then People Without Diabetes?

If a diabetic has high blood sugars does it make him urinate out the THC faster then people without diabetes? - urination smoke

When a diabetic's blood glucose causes frequent urination ..... and my school has a test random drug testing .. I do not smoke weed, but I wanted to know whether the THC leaves the body faster than a person without diabetes ..


crazyowl said...

The stay of the weed is not worth it to put health in jeopardy by the blood sugar out of control, all of which leads to problems

Billme said...


If you smoke weed to get you found in the urine.

Once the person is no longer under the grass, then it will take several months to get rid of all drugs in the body. You can still weeks later falsely positive. They are still small quantities of drugs, but the laboratory is obliged to say that a negative result, unless it be a certain amount in the sample, since the drug is seen as significant, is not used actively by this person. Thus, a person who may in the area where someone is smoking the drug to obtain a detectable quantity of drugs, but not over the threshold, which says the person inhaling the smoke directly.

I was in a pharmacy more and more to grow to get rid of light and plants. Probably inhaled fumesdetectable quantity of drugs, but far below the threshold while working there for about 3 hours. The amount of drugs was enough to fill a garbage truck 12 cubic meters 1 / 2 full. This is a protection to the plant to burn and can be burned in a dumpster in the feed plant.

Thus, even if you can not find it, drugs in a sample that is the point directly below the threshold, and fled with the test.

Chris said...

The body tries to eliminate gluocse surplus should be measured in the blood. Of course, other chemicals red. However, it is not selective for glucose. The amount of other chemicals that the body will not leave in the same amount of glucose that is execess be high.

The best way to take care of THC that do not start with the weeds.

Best wishes

ironbrew said...

The key word is "uncontrolled diabetes. This leads to frequent urination. A diabetic, taking medication or insulin in the blood sugar under control and no longer urinate than the average. Do not take drugs anymore to urinate () leads to high blood sugar, although long-term cause damage. Is it worth it? lead to high blood sugar damages the kidneys and eyes.

Brenda said...

I am 55 years old and is diabetic. You can get a lot of information from WebMD.com and diabetics should go to the doctor soon.

Brenda said...

I am 55 years old and is diabetic. You can get a lot of information from WebMD.com and diabetics should go to the doctor soon.

Kartoosk... said...

Diabetes causes a person to use the toilet frequently. Change your habits and follow strict not have the opportunity to increase their disease.

ardalan said...

Yes, as you drink more water, urinate to get there faster

Oscar C said...

Yes, but when it comes to other drugs, this is controversial.

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