Sunday, February 21, 2010

Log Trailer Blueprints Should I Hire Another Attorney?

Should I hire another Attorney? - log trailer blueprints

Here is my question .. I am a grandmother and I live in Central Florida ... I married for almost 20 years .. divorced for several years ... After my ex and I are married, it was a beautiful country ... lived in a small trailer .. We had animals and grew a big garden and many babies.One day comes home with the plans and had built a magnificent house. A story in 2 cabins .. my dream home. For many years I stayed home and took care of my family .. Which is very active in church and community.Raised our chuldren in this house.
Fast forward 20 years. After I caught that with a girl he met at a bat-band .. filed for divorce. I left the house .. I asked for 2 years before being caught cheating when the house payments. He told the hoUse and property were excluded, and he had lost in the entire bank.
When we went to court for a divorce, the judge said that he himself nothing. A few years later, my daughter is a mortgage broker and father name.All boring day googling these public records was .... He had everything they sell .. sold .. She stumbled on the title and the company has an addvit said he was single and unmarried, and left check with a huge sign. He left without money and children. We were married at the time still.
I spoke with a lawyer last year and said there was nothing I could do about it .. I was in the title and all ex .. Mortgage, but apparently never took me in writing ... How do you get these mortgages and loans will be made in writing without me ... w were marriedHen the house was built .. I believe in going after the company .. Do I have any rights? and how cooperation can the title and say that they married at the time and away with him? What should I do?

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